Monday 8 June 2009

Lloyds TSB

With the recent buy-out of the HBOS Group, the Lloyds TSB Group is now estimated to account for 1 in 3 current account holders across the UK. This puts the bank in an unprecedented position to not only maintain its current market share, but to satisfy the diverse needs of such a broad range of customers, whilst staying true to the parent brand ethos of 'For the journey.'

The Brief: Working as part of a 200+ strong project team, I worked with Lloyds TSB to manage the development of an innovative piece of brand development work. The brief was to explore the future of online banking and the type of experience and interactions customers could potentially have with the bank (primarily online) over the next 5 years.

The Process: Working with lead digital LBi, a systematic process was undertaken that consisted of the following:

  • An analysis of new and emerging technology trends. In undertaking this, we aimed to answer questions such as what technology would be prevalent in 5 years time? and how will services be delivered through the use of technology? Technologies such as RFID which is already making huge in-roads into the life's of many through every day household items such as the Oyster card used on the London Underground and credit cards through successful trials carried out by Visa and Barclay's in countries such as Australia and parts of East Asia were evaluated in terms of plans for implementation, time-line predictions and forecast uptake.
  • Brand exploration. Taking the proposition 'For the journey' and investigating this in line with its practical application. This looked at where the journey actually started for consumers of financial products and how this manifested in their final selection of products and services.
  • Persona development. For anyone familiar and adept in using personas will appreciate their benefit in developing customer experience strategies. From analysing qualitative feedback from specially designed exercises, outcomes from customer workshops, focus groups and data relating to the Groups key segments - those which were most active online and the average number of product holdings they held, we were able to identify up to 5 or 6 distinct attitudes to financial management which formed the underlying basis for the final solution.

The Outcome: The final result of this exercise which spanned approximately 9 months was the delivery of a fully informed Online Customer Experience Strategy and delivery road map. in support of this strategy were two other vital pieces of work; The first was a visual representation of how the brand may be presented to users in 5 years time. Harnessing the brand proposition 'For the journey', this was taken to another level through a series of 4 user journey concepts which demonstrated how 'For the journey' could truly be realised in the hearts and minds of Lloyds TSB customers. Finally, there was the business case for implementing this piece of work. What return could the business expect in tangible terms? and what capabilities would be required to not only deliver but also maintain such an offering? This was the final evaluation of this piece of work.

The role of Totally Outsourced during this process was to provide strategic project manager / consultant services to act on behalf of the client (Lloyds TSB), who would work with the lead agency to manage all their deliverables, whilst adhering to project governance as stipulated by the client. It was crucial that this was a project manager with a strategic background who would be able to get to grips with the brief quickly, challenge outputs through their application of industry knowledge as well as ensure that the work stream ran smoothly.

Get in touch: Want to know more about how we can also help your business meet that critical milestone or take your brand and channel offering to the next level?
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